Monday, February 20, 2017

Letters are good, letters are fun. Here's our alphabet (part one)!

When writing on the alphabet this book was of good use.
It's nice to get inspiration from the great Dr. Seuss!

Big A, Little a, what begins with A?
Antagonizing antics and annoy begin that way.

Big B, little b, B...Bb
Blue Eyes and Blonde hair we get from Mom-mee!

Big C, little c, what begins with C?
Crackers, chips, Cheetos
And crunchy celery. 

Big D, Little d, dunk, dunk, dunk.
Dunk a little basketball with a little chunk.

Eating, eating, eating is the best use of E.
Eggs and every kind of sweet that grandma brings for me.

Big F, little f,
Flying’s quite alright
Feasting on some snack food gets us through the flight.

 Gentle great-grandparents all begin with G.
Time with them is a great gift, as you can plainly see.

Big H, little h,
Hats and helmets, head.
Mom is halfway horrified when Cheeto dust gets spread.

I, I, I is easy if you’re under three
All you really think about is “me, me, me.”

J is for John
A jolly jumping joker.
The center of attention’s grand,
But sharing’s mediocre.

K, k, K
Kitten, kaleidoscopic
Not much starts with K,
That’s why this one’s off topic.

Big L, little l, lifting levers, labor,
Fill a tire to see a lovely little neighbor.

Merry Michael starts with M, he’s mighty nice you know;
Here’s Michael mauling Madison many months ago.

Thanks for reading this half of the toddler alphabet
Back to being daddy now, this is far as I can get.
Next blog post we’ll finish all those other letters yet!