Friday, April 7, 2017

Boys at the Ballpark!

This week mommy was out of town,
And it seemed that things were upside down.

Two boys who were rowdy, up to no good,
Jumping and wrestling more than they should.

But thankfully Friday it was late to get dark –
Just warm enough to head to the ballpark.

It was the first time we’d been to a game in a while,
We were intrigued and too dumbfounded to smile.

Who are these people? What’s that organ sound?
Who cares about baseball, they’ve got a playground!

Waiting in line to go down the slide,
We’ll catch a pitch or two before the ride.


The game goes on, it looks like the Huskers will win,
I suppose that’s the reason for this cheesy grin.

We’ll watch the seventh inning with a blanket we’ll share,

Then head home before bedtime without a minute to spare!

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