Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Mother Like No Other

This blog is over as fast as it’s begun;
It’s time to give thanks to the most patient one.

She’s been there for us since the very start,
So beautiful and gracious, did we mention smart?

She teaches us piano, how to dress up and read,
And changed our diapers and break-necking speed.

She balances both of us with her own work and play,
And shows us our purpose and how we’re to pray.

Mom watches over us and shows us great care,
Her time and her effort always willing to share.

We’re oh so grateful for your sacrifices and love,
Enduring our tantrums that we know you’re sick of.

Thank you for always reading along,

Join us one last time as we say, Thanks Mom!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Boys at the Ballpark!

This week mommy was out of town,
And it seemed that things were upside down.

Two boys who were rowdy, up to no good,
Jumping and wrestling more than they should.

But thankfully Friday it was late to get dark –
Just warm enough to head to the ballpark.

It was the first time we’d been to a game in a while,
We were intrigued and too dumbfounded to smile.

Who are these people? What’s that organ sound?
Who cares about baseball, they’ve got a playground!

Waiting in line to go down the slide,
We’ll catch a pitch or two before the ride.


The game goes on, it looks like the Huskers will win,
I suppose that’s the reason for this cheesy grin.

We’ll watch the seventh inning with a blanket we’ll share,

Then head home before bedtime without a minute to spare!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Getting hit with a Brick: The Boys are Sick!

Do you know what’s worse than being hit by a brick?
Taking care of two toddlers with both of them sick.

Fevers and coughs and runny noses galore,
Buying enough medicine to close down the store.

Laying down to sleep makes it harder to breathe,
We’ll snuggle on the chair up close to Thing Three.

We’re sick and we’re tired and it’s looking quite bleak,
But we get to see grandparents at the end of the week!

We leave the house for a nice change of pace,
Warm weather and chocolate put a smile on my face!

We read books! Play football! Pose with our cousins!
(We’ll sit still for pictures if we can touch belly buttons).

Photo courtesy Aunt Traci

Brunch at Grandma’s with bacon and eggs,
Driving and walking through a tunnel of legs.

The week was long, but the weekend was not,
Now we’re all back at home lost in a deep thought.